Love to Table

At Casa Feliz we believe what goes in our bodies is sacred. For this to happen we make sure we eat mostly healthy and good food. But we also like to add the most important ingredient to our homemade food, that is: Love!

Happiness comes from playing, connecting and nurturing. Family meals are so important in Brazil and traditional meals are made of nourishing ingredients mainly vegan with a variety of grains and protein. Our delicious lunches vary daily and consist mostly of rice, black beans, pinto beans, chickpeas, lentils, black eyed peas, and/or quinoa. In addition we add in season vegetables and fruits such as carrots, corn, green beans, collard greens, kale, spinach, cilantro, bell peppers, beets, peas, zucchini, sweet potatoes, squash and pumpkin.

Casa Feliz provides tropical and exotic flavors to introduce to the kiddos at a young age so it’s easier for them to recognize some of these flavors when they get older and show interest in more veggies. This will help parents to implement a very healthy diet at home and avoid picky eaters as it can be an issue for most families during the first years of life. Our meals are nut-free and vegetarian. We complement our daily snacks and lunch with dairy products such as milk and yogurt.

For their birthdays we provided a special treat. It is unique and made out of watermelon, yogurt, and berries; kids love this so much we can’t begin to show you how happy they are on their birthdays!

Our food is “love to table” because it comes from our hearts to help children have energy to play and grow. We want to see them thrive while being healthy and we accomplish that by serving homemade meals that resemble our Brazilian culture. In Brazil, families normally have delicious and fulfilling meals that take a long time and lots of love to make. We enjoy sharing this tradition with our kids at Casa Feliz, would you like to join us?

We are glad to share some of our recipes between our community of parents so stay tune for recipes to come on Brightwheel!

Note: It’s very important for us to follow any recommendation from your Dr. in order for all kids to thrive. In order to make proper adjustments to our daily routine and diet, we require a doctor’s note if your child has any type of allergy.