Hours, Meals, & Schedules

Hours of Operation

Casa Feliz Childcare is open from 7:30AM-5PM, Monday through Friday.


Casa Feliz proudly home cooks all meals provided to the children. We cook Brazilian vegetarian lunches with various grains and protein. Our yummy lunches consist of either rice, black beans, pinto beans, chickpeas, lentils, black eyed peas, or quinoa. In addition we add in season vegetables and fruits such as carrots, corn, green beans, collard greens, kale, spinach, cilantro, bell peppers, beets, peas, zucchini, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin. Casa Feliz provides tropical and exotic flavors to introduce to the kiddos at a young age.

We provide Breakfast Snack, Lunch, and Afternoon Snack. Meals are nut-free and vegetarian with seasonal fruits and vegetables. Casa Feliz is a nut-free facility.

Daily Schedule

Below are the different schedules we use at our 95th and Wygant Location. Each schedule varies by age and consists with outdoor time, reading, free play, music, and eating.

Infants (3 months-8 months)

Infants have their own schedule for when they want to eat and sleep. At this age we follow the infant’s schedule and as they become older they follow the schedules we have at Casa Feliz.

Infants/Young Toddlers (8 months-15 months)

Bom Dia! Buenos Dias! Good Morning!

7:30am Drop off and Free Play

Bom Dia! Buenos Dias! Children arrive at Casa Feliz and are greeted by our friendly teachers. They are then able to select from a variety of free play choices.

8:00am-8:30am Breakfast & Bottle Time

Children wash their hands and enjoy a delicious Breakfast Snack, consisting of organic seasonal fruit and a whole grain food item. After snack the children wash their hands and drink their bottle. (We serve whole milk to children 1 year+ and when the parent gives us the okay to serve their child whole milk.)

8:45am Diaper change+Indoor/Outside play

Teachers begin to change diapers for all the children. If the weather is nice outside, children will get their outdoor gear on and head outside to play! Or if the weather is too cold/raining our teachers will set up a variety of free indoor play for the children.

9:00am-10:30am 1st Nap

At this time children who need more than one nap will take their first nap.

10:35am Wake Up & Diaper Change

Children will begin to wake up and will have their diaper changed. All children will be checked to see if they require a diaper change before lunch.

11:00am-11:30am Lunch

Children will wash their hands and sit down to eat lunch. Casa Feliz provides a healthy vegetarian lunch for kiddos who are developmentally ready to eat.

12:00pm Diaper Change & Bottle

At this time teachers change all the kiddos diapers at this time and prepare the kiddos for nap. The children will have their bottle before nap.

12:30pm-3:00pm 2nd Nap

Nap Time! Children are all placed in the nap room and sleep. Teachers are constantly checking on the kiddos as they sleep.

3:00pm Diaper Change

Teachers change all the kiddos diapers at this time.

3:10pm PM Snack

Children wash their hands and sit at the table for PM Snack. Casa Feliz serves organic seasonal fruit for snack time, along with milk and/or another healthy snack choice. (Casa Feliz does not serve snacks containing sugar or corn syrup).

4:00pm Diaper Change

Teachers begin to change the kiddos diapers.

4:30pm Free Play

Teachers set up a variety of free play choices for the kiddos. If weather permits children will play outdoors until pick up time.

5pm Closing Time + See you next time!

Time to go home! Nos vemos mañana!

Toddlers (15 months and up)

Bom Dia! Buenos Dias! Good Morning!

7:30am- 8:20am Free Play/interact & listen to music

Bom Dia! Buenos Dias! During this time your kiddo will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of play choices. They will be able to request songs they want to hear and or sing.

8:20am – 8:30am Clean up & wash hands

All hands on deck! Kiddos will collaborate with the teachers by helping clean up their toys and setting up the tables/stools. Then we will wash our hands before eating our delicious healthy morning snack!

8:30am – 9:00am AM Snack

It’s time to eat! A yummy snack will be served to your wonderful kiddo. Delicious seasonal fruit, milk and one or two more yummy options will be offered during this time (posted on our menu). During this time your kiddo will have ample time to eat and enjoy the company of their friends.

9:00am – 9:15am Clean up & wash hands

Time to clean up! During this time we will clean up as a team and wash our hands.

9:15am – 9:45am Indoor or Outdoor Activity

Various activities will be available for your kiddo to enjoy indoors or outdoors. If the weather is nice we will get ready to go outside. If not, we will spend this time playing inside and interacting with each other.

9:45am – 10:00am Change Diapers!

Your kiddos diaper will be checked and changed numerous times throughout the day; however, during this time we will change their diaper even if it is dry.

10:15am – 11:15am Outdoor Activities

During this time we will listen and sing songs in Spanish and English. We will continue to play outdoors. Planned activities will be available for everyone; such as; painting, making oobleck, etc.

11:15am – 11:30am Clean up & wash hands and change diapers as needed!

During this time we will clean up and head inside one by one to wash hands. Your kiddo will then be guided into our dinning area to wait for everyone else before lunch. We will sing more songs as we all wait patiently! During this time we will check everyone diaper and change those who need it.

11:30am – 12:00pm Lunch

A yummy Brazilian dish made by our amazing cook will be served. Your kiddo may help themselves to more than one serving.

12:00pm – 12:30pm Read Books/ relax & change diapers!

Relax, read books! This is the time to start settling down before taking a nap.

12:30pm – 3:00pm Nap time!

Sleep tight! A little comfy cot will be provided for nap.

3:00pm – 3:15pm Wake up & change diapers!

Wakey, Wakey! Nap time is over! During this time we will change diapers as needed.

3:15pm – 3:30pm Wash hands

Got to wash hands before eating!

3:30pm – 4:00pm PM Snack

A yummy fruit with crackers, seaweed, or some yogurt will be served to your amazing kiddo.

4:00pm – 4:15pm Clean up & wash hands

We will all cooperate to clean up then we will wash our hands.

4:15pm – 4:45pm Free Play, Check Diapers!

One last diaper change! During this time your kiddo will be changed into a fresh new diaper while they enjoy the last hour and 15 minutes playing with their friends.


Time to go home! Nos vemos mañana!