COVID – 19

Parents, to attend school, you child’s temp must be under 100 AND the below questions must be negative:

1. Has the adult or child been exposed to a person with a positive case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?

2. Has the adult or child been exposed to a person with a presumptive case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?

3. Is the adult or child experiencing an unusual cough, shortness of breath, or fever? “Unusual cough” means something not normal for this person (e.g., allergies, asthma).

Casa Feliz COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan

Requirements for Drop-Off & Pick-UP

  • All parents are required to wear a mask or face covering at drop off and pick up.

  • Parents must keep 6 feet apart during pick up and drop off.

  • Once inside children’s temperatures will be checked and recorded on the Brightwheel app.

  • Toddlers hands will be sanitized. Infant’s hands will be washed.

  • Facility phones or Ipads used for recording children’s information will be sanitized between each use and throughout the day. (teachers and assistants personal phones are not allowed the classroom)

Requirements for Daily Health Check

  • Staff will self administer a temperature check each morning.

  • Children’s temperature will be checked at drop off.

  • Any child or staff member with a temperature of 100.4 Fahrenheit or above will be excluded.

  • In compliance with the Oregon Health and Learning Division, parents and staff will be asked 4 health check questions. These questions will also be posted at the front of each facility.

1. Has the adult or child been exposed to a person with a positive case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?

2. Has the adult or child been exposed to a person with a presumptive case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days? ( A presumptive case means the person was exposed to someone with COVID-19 and the presumptive adult or child showed symptoms in the past 10 days.)

If they answer yes to either question 1 or 2, the child or adult must quarentine for 14 days. The 14 day quarentine starts on the day that the child or the adult last had contact with COVID-19 case. The 14 day quarentine cannot be shortened by getting a negative COVID-19 test, or by getting a note from a medical professional.

3. Is the adult or child experiencing an unusual cough, shortness of breath or fever?
4. Does the child or adult have symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, headache, sore throat, or rash? If yes to questions 3 and 4, the adult or child must be excluded as follows: If seen by a medical professional and is cleared, they can remain in or return to the program following the documented direction of the medical professional. If not seen by a medical professional, they may return 24 hours after the symptoms have cleared.

Requirements for Record Keeping.

  • Daily logs of all relevant health information will be kept on the Brightwheel app.

Requirements for Group Size and Stable Groups

  • Casa Feliz is a Certified Family Provider At the Wygant location our capacity is 14 divided into 2 stable groups. At the 95th location our capacity is 16 divided into 2 stable groups.

  • Teachers and teacher’ assistants assigned to a stable group may only interact with teachers and teacher’s assistants from another stable group if they follow social distance guidelines.

  • Teachers and or teacher’s assistants may be allowed to interact with another stable group in order to:
    • 1. Maintain ratios during staff breaks.

  • Adults outside of the stable group may be allowed into the facility in order to:
    • 1. Provide specialized services to children such as those associated with Early Intervention or Early Childhood Special Education.
    • 2. Meet monitoring requirements of publicly funded or regulated programming
    • 3. Provide Service to the facility that cannot take place outside the program hours

Requirements for Daily Activities

  • Toys and materials are washed and sanitized between activities.
  • Art projects such as Playdough are kept separated in individual containers labeled with each child’s name
  • Sharing of materials and toys between children is limited and discouraged. If sharing occurs, children must wash their hands with soap and water or use sanitizer at the end of the activity and prior to starting new activity.
  • Play areas and playstrucures are cleaned and sanitized during the day.
  • Outdoor play structures and toys are sanitized regularly throughout the day.

Requirements for Handwashing & General Hygiene

  • Staff and children are required to wash hands for at least 20 seconds (hand sanitizer is allowed when an asterisk appears)
    • 1. Before and after eating, preparing food, and or bottle preparation.
    • 2. After toileting or assisting with toileting.
    • 3. Before or after diapering.
    • 4. After wiping a nose, coughing, or sneezing. *
    • 5. After coming in from outside. *
    • 6. Upon entering and leaving the child care facility. *
    • 7. If staff are moving between stable groups. *
    • 8. After sharing toys, learning materials, etc. *

Requirements for Food & Nutrition

  • Meals are administered in individual servings.
  • Meal times including infant feeding and toddler meals are closely supervised to prevent children from sharing and/or touching each other’s food

Requirements for Cleaning & Building Maintenance

  • Dippering stations, and toilets are cleaned and sanitized between each use.
  • Hard surfaces such as tables, chairs, door knobs, kitchen counters, refrigerator and stove handles are cleaned and sanitized throughout the day.
  • At the end of each day the facility is thoroughly cleaned and all hard surfaces are sanitized.

Requirements for Responding to Possible and confirmed cases of COVID-19

  • In the event of a confirmed or possible case of COVID-19, parents and staff will be notified immediately through the Brightwheel app.
  • Children will be required to be picked up and the facility will close for the day.
  • The local public health authority and Merissa Looper, the facility licensing specialist will be immediately notified. Maria will follow their council and inform parents and staff of their recommendations.
  • Decisions about required closure will be made in conjunction with Early Learning Division staff and the local public health authority


Learn More

For the most current information from the CDC, please visit:

CDC COVID-19 Fact Sheet:

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