
Brightwheel is a wonderful app we use at Casa Feliz to help keep you updated on your child’s day and a helpful tool to ease the minds of the parents. On Brightwheel teachers are able to post pictures, videos, updates on meals/bottles, diapering, updates/improvements in developmental growth, and so much more! Families at Casa Feliz are very happy we are able to send them hourly updates on how their child is doing. Not to mention our teachers enjoy getting to capture memorable and exciting pictures or videos of the kiddos. Each family has access to their own child’s profile. Parents and teachers are able to message each other on Brightwheel too! If your kiddo isn’t feeling well or they are running low on supplies, our amazing teachers are able to notify you in an instant. Each location has two phones and an Ipad for parents to check their child in and out. These devices are used solely for Brightwheel and are not for the children to use. In no way does using Brightwheel take the attention of the teachers away from the kiddos. In fact, it is quite the opposite for Brightwheel helps our teachers improve their skills in observation and communication.

***Please note our Teachers try very hard to keep updates/pictures constant but we are not always able to post as much as other days. Some days tend to be more busy than others for our teachers. On busy days our teachers may not be able to post as frequently and that is normal. Thank you for your understanding!***

Casa Feliz Child Care – Culture immersion Child Care in Portland, Oregon
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